Belly Twist Pose. back pain and strenth hips

Belly Twist Pose. 

Belly Twist Pose benefits the following muscles and hence can be included in yoga sequences with the corresponding muscle(s)

1. Lower Back
2. Middle Back
3. Hips
4. Pelvic
5. Psoas

Step-By-Step Instruction

Given below are the step-by-step instructions to follow for the practice of Jathara Parivartanasana (Belly Twist Pose):

1. Lie down on your back in a supine position with your arms at shoulder length width and with palms facing upwards.

2. On an inhale bend your knees to your chest and draw your thigh in the direction of your torso.

3. With a complete exhalation release the thighs to the right moving the outside edge of the right leg on the ground, extending from the hips towards the side.

4. Keep the left leg over the top of the right, ensuring the hips are together, and start to move the legs simultaneously while trying to maintain the connection of the shoulder blades to the ground.

5. Straighten the legs slowly allowing the body to release and open. Stretch the toes, feet, calves, hamstrings, and hips, being aware of the body and the breath.

6. Once you have a sense of where the twist is coming along, deepen the twist by bringing the legs in line with the waist, resting them on the floor towards the right side.

7. With every inhalation, bring the legs further up towards the arms and with every exhalation release and breath in the pose. While doing so, make use of the core and abdominal muscles are engaged to help twist the body deeper.

8. While here make sure the arms are stretched out and you gently twist towards the left taking the neck and face towards the left.

9. Feel the natural opening of the hips, gluteus muscles and legs, inviting the belly to relax and the stomach to descend towards the ground.

10. Make sure your spine is flat on the ground and the legs are perpendicular to the body. If you feel the knees are not dropping to the ground, with the support of the right hand push the legs down very gently.

11. Hold this posture for about 6 deep slow and long breaths, initially. With each breath the body twists deeper without moving the alignment of the shoulders, hips, and arms.

12. To release, gently bend the legs at the knees, look to the center, inhale and bring the thighs and knees to the center of the body and press against the chest. Exhale out completely, and with another inhalation take them towards the left side and
13. repeat the same twisting towards the left on the ground, extending the legs and looking towards the right.

14. Stay for about 6 breaths, release and relax. Release and relax in Constructive Rest Pose.

Repeat the practice one more time, holding the posture longer, for about 8-10 breaths. Release and relax.

You can use straps to support the legs, bolster to place the feet over it, or even blanket to support the hips and elevate the hips to go in a comfortable twist.

Watch the video and follow it!
